PCSD Civilian Advisory Review Board

The Pima County Sheriff’s Department Civilian Advisory Review Board
Mission Statement:
The Pima County Sheriff’s Department Civilian Advisory Review Board serves to represent members of Pima County by advising the Sheriff on the department's day-to-day operations.
The board advises and reviews matters related to reform, department policies and procedures, internal discipline and accountability, use of force, and department training.
The Civilian Advisory Review Board conducts itself with the utmost respect for a diverse community.
Transparency | Integrity | Respect | Collaboration
Frank R. Hecht - Chairperson
As a retired employee of the Pima County Sheriff’s Department and the Tohono O’dham Nation, he brings 45 years of Corrections and Public Safety experience. As the past President for the American Jail Association, he was recognized as Corrections Administrator of the Year. He is recognized as a national consultant in the area of organizational leadership and management, and brings his experience and knowledge in managing a multicultural organization.
Agnes Aponte - Executive Administration
Agnes was born and raised in San Juan, Puerto Rico. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice with a specialty in Forensic Psychology, a Master’s Degree in Criminal Justice, and a Doctorate in Education with a Specialty in Instructional Design and Distance Education. She has held positions in the criminal justice field as a Criminal Intelligence Analyst for the Interpol Office and as a Special Agent for the Department of Justice. Her focus was centered on missing and kidnapped minors, child pornography, organized crime, and violation of civil rights.
Currently, she is self-employed as a specialist at INE-learning while continuing to contribute to the field of criminal justice and law enforcement as a consultant. She is always looking for opportunities to grow and develop knowledge of Spanish-speaking communities and promoting balance between the civil community and law professionals.
Joseph Delgado - Committee Member
Joseph was born and raised in Tucson, AZ, graduating from Flowing Wells High School in 2017. In 2021, Joseph graduated from the University of Arizona with a Major in Accounting and a Minor in Spanish.
Joseph chose to be a part of the Civilian Advisory Review Board to better serve his community and to provide insight from a young person’s point of view that has grown up and lived in the community their entire life.
Nina Puente - Committee Member
Nina Puente was born and grew up in the Florida panhandle. She graduated from the University of Florida with a degree in Advertising and Public Relations. She was employed as a Sales and Marketing Representative.
Nina chose to be a part of the Civilian Advisory Review Board because she believes in the need for justice and prison reform. She believes we should invest in the safety of our community with the best trained and equipped law enforcement, investing in social programs to reduce harm resulting from poverty, poor academics, and assistance to single parent homes, and to help fight recidivism in our prisons.
Perla Alcaraz - Committee Member
Perla Alcaraz was born and raised in Tucson, graduating in 2022 from Cienega High School. Currently, she is attending the University of Arizona where she will receive a degree in Law and Criminal Justice with a minor in Spanish.
In 2021, Perla interned for public defender and immigration activist Margo Cowan. While also taking part in the Justice for All campaign that would give Pima County residents who are facing detention or deportation access to a public defender. Perla has chosen to become a part of this mission of transparency to give the younger generation a voice while also representing minorities in the community.